Tough Taurus New Moon New Moon in Taurus May 11, 2021 With this New Moon in Taurus, we are looking at the security in our life. Where are we most fortified and...
Super Full Moon, Big ChangesWith this Full Moon in Scorpio, it may be a time to investigate healing both emotional and physical issues. Since it is also a super moon...
New Beginning New Moon Happy New Moon!! Time for embracing a new beginning or if you just need a fresh start. With the energy of the Sun which will be sextile...
Libra Full MoonFull Moon in Libra March 28, 2021 Welcome to the Worm Moon. It is called this because this is the time of the year when the earthworms...
New Moon, New LoveMarch 13, 2021 A New Moon occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. This month the New Moon is happening in the sign of...
Truth about the Death CardIn every movie or TV show in which there is a tarot reader or card featured, it seems like it is always the Death card. It maybe that it...
JasmineJasmine flowers have been revered for centuries as the most spiritual of all the flowers. Originally grown from the Middle East all the...
Seeing Signs from SpiritIs Spirit or the Divine truly listening? We meditate and pray, but how do we know we are being heard? These are some the questions I have...
Seven way to create a Sacred SpaceAll spiritual belief systems have ideas regarding the showing of the faith within the home. Jewish homes have a parchment in a case...
Storing your Tarot or Oracle DeckNow that you have a shiny new tarot deck what do you do with it? As you start you journey into the world of tarot it can be confusing....