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Scorpio New Moon Emotional Disorder

November 4, 2021

Welcome to this New Moon which can bring disorder and unexpected changes. Just keep an awareness when these sudden changes occur, this will show you the opportunities for better things. During this time some emotions, like jealousy, suspicion, insecurity, and vindictiveness, maybe very strong. However, this is also a great time look deeper into these intense emotions and issues because they need to be addressed. Sometimes the way to see through an emotional mess is to just let it out. So go ahead and ugly cry with your favorite comfort food, then begin the healing process.

The New Moon is opposed Uranus in Taurus, this means that something coming to you from out of nowhere may require swift action. Along with the New Moon, Mars is opposite Uranus, this indicates a lot of tension that may need to be released. What do you do to release tension and stress? Selfcare is good care. Saturn is in Aquarius; this means that with the extra tension, at pressure cooker level, there may be a need to consider all options when facing an issue. Mercury is sextile with Venus this brings in some much-needed peace and harmony energy. Through the craziness and disorder just be aware of the changing energy and have an open mind. Really good communication skills will help too.

This day numerologically is an 11/2. This means individually working with the divine to create balance and a partnership. By using the intuition to connect a higher power can help see the truth as well as the cause and effects of our actions. Emotionally this is time to seek harmony and reconciliation with the issues of the past and the present. This is a time to work though blocked emotions and negative mental loops. The decisions that we make will help work through any financial obstacles. The influence over others and our time management are key strategies during this time.

Here are a few things you can add to your New Moon ritual to help you through this time.

  • Create an affirmation. This can be repeated every day during your spiritual devotional time. “I love myself through…”

  • When you find that you can not verbally speak your truth. Journal the words you want or need to say. Allow yourself to speak or write freely. DO NOT EDIT!!!

  • Carry with you Kyanite (communication), Jet (protection), Amethyst (divine connection), and Clear Quartz (amplify). This will help you navigate this chaotic and emotional time

Just remember to love yourself, be kind to others, and talk the Divine daily.

Namaste Nerdys



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